promanu 1 2021

Promanu 1/2023



Online_Tackling the complexity of complex regional pain syndrome

Online_Tackling the complexity of complex regional pain syndrome
Kontaktperson Veranstalter: Handtherapie Fortbildung
Seestrasse 175
8700 Küsnacht
Telefon: +41 43 550 16 84
Kursveranstalter Handtherapie Fortbildung



Dr. Tara Packham, PhD, OT
Ontario, Canada

Tara Packham is an occupational therapist with over 25 years of experience in hand and upper limb rehabilitation, which birthed an interest in pain research. She calls herself a recycled alumnus of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada as she received three degrees, most recently a PhD from McMaster, and now is an assistant professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science. Her teaching and research program focus on optimizing measurement and moving evidence into practice to promote well-being, participation and recovery in musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Hand Therapy and community engagement officer for the CRPS Special Interest Group at the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Kurssprache English

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) happens more often in the hand and upper limb than anywhere else in the body. Early intervention is key to reduce persistent pain and disability, but that doesn’t mean that therapy has less value over time. In this course, we will review contemporary understandings of why CRPS might happen, what it can look like in hand therapy settings, and how to best assess and treat CRPS and the associated pain and disability in the context of hand therapy practice. Participants will be able to a) identify key features, b) comprehensively evaluate important signs, symptoms and sequelae, and c) use current evidence to develop tailored and graded treatment programs to optimize recovery and return to meaningful activities.


Physio- und Ergotherapeut:innen

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Preis * CHF 40.00

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